woensdag 22 november 2017


ENGLISH  At the closing session of the conference "Eco-innovations for Economic Change & Shared Prosperity", held in Sofia 9-10 November 2017, participants could listen to the poem called Sofia. Twenty years ago i visited the Bulgarian capital Sofia. It was a beautiful day in the month of May with all those chestnust trees blooming. This is how the poems recollects the memories of those days. Things have changed a lot in Bulgaria during the last decades, some developments were rapidly, some changes came gradually, some others slowly. 

The poem Sofia was published in the Bulgarian poetry magazine NO POEZIA (2016) - at the website: Nopoezia. The poem was read in Bulgarian and in English during the conference of Bluelink Internet Networking Foundation. Thanks to Natalia Dimitrova. 

n Poar week leden, was ik noa vier joar, weer ien Sofia, hoofdstad van Bulgarije.Sofia het prachtege archelogische overbliefselen van veur t joar nul.t Was mooi weer en ik har n optreden bij Bluelink Information Management Network.
An t enne van de konferentsie "Eco-innovations for Economic Change & Shared Prosperity" ien Sofia 9-10 November, konnen de deelnemmers t gedicht Sofia heuren. Twinteg joar leden is t, da'k veur t eerst de Bulgoarse hoofdstad Sofia bezocht. t Was n mooie dag ien e meimoand, met aal die kestanjebomen ien bloei. Zo hoalt t gedicht die herinnerengen noar boven. Veul dingen bennen veraanderd ien Bulgaria tiedens de leste 20 joar. Summege dingen bennen haard veraanderd of stoadegaan, summege goan huul langzoam.  

t Gedicht Sofia dat publiceerd is in NO POEZIA t Bulgoarse tiedschrift veur poëzie, is veurdroagen tiedens de konferentsie. Hieronder de Grunneger versie.

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